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We are a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors and our Bylaws. We publish our IRS Form 990 annually for review and make available the following documents to demonstrate our organization’s commitment to public accountability.


We are a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors and our Bylaws. 

Strategic Plan

A reflexive plan that will guide the Salt Lake City Arts Council in building the internal strength to foster equity in the community, bolster the arts through new and creative partnerships, and empower the arts sector as a whole. The plan addresses the ways we hope to work internally as a team as well as externally, engaging with artists and community members.

Stakeholder Engagement

This document outlines the findings and insights gleaned from four Stakeholder Roundtable meetings conducted from October to November, 2019 in partnership with the Salt Lake City Arts Council board and staff.

Gap Analysis & Needs Assessment

In 2018, the Salt Lake City Arts Council hired Union Creative Agency to conduct a Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment study for the Arts Council. The study included reviewing and compiling information for City master plans, studies and raw data sets to identify gaps in programs, resources, and other assets.

Several goals resulting from the study included: Conduct a strategic planning process (to be completed June 2020), Continue to assess and establish clarity in the current organizational model of the Salt Lake City Arts Council, and to conduct continued Stakeholder Engagement.

Work with Salt Lake City departments and planning teams to ensure they recognize the value of the Salt Lake City Arts Council as a potential partner in the developments and areas covered by the assessed Master Plans.

Arts & Economic Prosperity (AEP6) 

AEP6, a national economic and social impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry, was conducted by Americans for the Arts in 2022-23. According to AEP6 findings, Salt Lake City’s nonprofit arts sector generated $512.1 million in economic activity during 2022—$148.2 million in spending by arts and culture organizations and an additional $363.8 million in event-related expenditures by their audiences. That economic activity supported 8,485 jobs, provided $309.1 million in personal income to residents, and generated $92.6 million in tax revenue to local, state, and federal governments. Full information can be found on the official AEP6 website


The Salt Lake City Arts Council is a division of Salt Lake City Corporation in the Department of Economic Development and also maintains a nonprofit corporation, the Salt Lake City Arts Council Foundation with 501(c)(3) status.

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